Whether you face personal, team or organizational challenges, here you will find something that can get you started, as one of our THINK BEYOND PARTNERS guides you in this amazing journey of Leadership, Influence and Transformation.
IMPACT - Ultimate Coaching Tools for Leaders
A certified learning journey with Masha Ibeschitz, bestselling Author and Executive Coach.
For all Leaders wanting to excel in their role!
Book now and benefit from special prices!
Step up to Your SELF
Auszeit in den Tiroler Alpen
German Workshop
Lassen Sie sich von uns durch diese bekräftigende Erfahrung leiten, die Ihre Vergangenheit stärkt, Ihre Gegenwart neu erfindet und Ihr bestes Selbst in eine unglaubliche Zukunft führt.
Ihre Coaches
Masha Ibeschitz & Rupert Seewald
Datum: 21.–22. April 2022. und 20. Mai 2022
Ab 2 Personen nur 1.800 € (netto) pro Person
JETZT ANMELDENCourses and Certifications

This Designer Certification turns you into an expert on the 12 Levers of Transfer Effectiveness, a scientifically proven model that supports you in a systematic way to guide and implement transfer effectiveness in everyone of your training programs.
Leadership Toolboxes

Think Beyond's Leadership Toolbox:
Want to be on top of your Leadership game? Refresh your toolbox with the most important tools every Leader who THINKS BEYOND must have! Let us cover together the basic and most important tools that every leader needs to know and use.

Think Beyond's Leadership Toolbox:
On this new release of our toolbox, we will be covering new tools on how to manage yourself and your team during crisis times or conflict situations. Through this short yet powerful journey, you will get the chance to implement the gained knowledge by filling out the transfer tasks that we have prepared for every lesson.
"Opportunities don’t happen
YOU create them"